Mobile Health in Context

Mobile Health in Context: How Information is Woven Into Our Lives   @SusannahFox @PewResearch Susannah Fox from Pew Review Research put together an excellent presentation of the latest health and digital technology related statistics.  The slides are concise, accessible, and thought provoking.  Can we put cell phones to use improve health and health information seekingContinue reading “Mobile Health in Context”

DANG Call for Papers

DANG Call for Papers Deadline April 10th (To Meet April 15th AAA Deadline for Sessions) Email Abstracts to Digital Anthropologists’ Current Engagements with 21st Century Publics: #Digital Publics, #Ethics, #Methods, #Insights The future publics, which anthropologists of the 21st Century will engage with, occupy a social space in which the digital and the physicalContinue reading “DANG Call for Papers”

Irish America Day

Americans in Ireland during the first week of July may be surprised to learn Ireland celebrates the 4th of July.  It seems to largely be a celebration of Americaness, the Irish-American connection, and Americana. Photo borrowed from When I asked about why one middle age gentleman back in 2005, he told me that it wasContinue reading “Irish America Day”

Ireland Week 1

Week 1 Ireland – Dublin Highlights from my first week in Ireland. First, I think I left out one tiny detail in explaining my plans for Ireland.  I guess I should mention that assisting me in doing all that stuff I mentioned in previous posts, is my travel companion Greg Wright: part-time research assistant, part-time body guard (my momContinue reading “Ireland Week 1”

What is the Place of Emotion in Humanistic Empiricism?

Recently, someone close to me drew the connection between the demand for the removal of emotion from scholarship and the continued presence of underlying masculine bias in academia. I was taken aback by the implications of this connection and my blindness to it.  In reading Ruth Behar’s The Vulnerable Observer and “Believing in Anthropology asContinue reading “What is the Place of Emotion in Humanistic Empiricism?”