The Anthropologist’s Disclaimer

Many people I meet, even people I talk to on a regular basis, do not have background knowledge of anthropology, and I think that is fairly typical. Anthropology isn’t taught in the American public school system and most people have only had a limited introduction to one of Anthropology’s subfields.   Archeology or Forensic Anthropology areContinue reading “The Anthropologist’s Disclaimer”

Insights from UCD

(I am still a bit behind on posting updates–this is from June 12-14) Insights from University College Dublin We took a bus to UCD and made a friend of a Canadian en route to the Folklore Library as the three of us wondered the campus lost. Meeting with Dr. Moore Even though he had aContinue reading “Insights from UCD”

Ireland Week 1

Week 1 Ireland – Dublin Highlights from my first week in Ireland. First, I think I left out one tiny detail in explaining my plans for Ireland.  I guess I should mention that assisting me in doing all that stuff I mentioned in previous posts, is my travel companion Greg Wright: part-time research assistant, part-time body guard (my momContinue reading “Ireland Week 1”

Ireland 2012

Preliminary Fieldwork/Pilot Study in Western Ireland  As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, this summer I am going to be in Ireland conducting an 8 week preliminary investigation of Irish Folk Medicine (a subject which is far more complex than that description might led you to think).  Irish folk healing insects my two academic areas ofContinue reading “Ireland 2012”

Before I Go….

Things to Consider Before I Go… As I finish packing, send last minute emails and meetings with professors, and antagonize over the finer details of the unplannable aspects of my two month long visit to Ireland, I am simultaneously faced with all the complications of anthropological fieldwork and international travel. Even if I’ve managed toContinue reading “Before I Go….”

UpDate on Graduate School Progess

I just completed my 2nd year of graduate school.  I passed my comprehensive masters exam and graduated with my Masters of Arts in Cultural Anthropology.  This fall I am continuing in the Southern Methodist University’s PhD program for Cultural Anthropology. (I am at the point where I am still having to remind myself I actually have myContinue reading “UpDate on Graduate School Progess”