Call for Papers: Digital Anthropologists’ Current Engagements with 21st Century Publics

Check out the Digital Anthropology Call for Papers: Call for Papers: Digital Anthropologists’ Current Engagements with 21st Century Publics.    

Performance Enhancing Drugs – College Edition

“Passing with Pills: Redefining Performance in the Pharmaceuticalized University”  is a very thoughtful and thought provoking ethnographic look in the mirror.  Tazin Karim of Michigan State University did an excellent job applying a critical, medical anthropological lens to academia and the pressures of the rite of passage in America referred to as college.   When discussing the exportation/globalization ofContinue reading “Performance Enhancing Drugs – College Edition”

The Future of Education

Highly political and frequently more opinionated than well grounded, the subject of education in America is seen as vital to the future of our nation and ironically at times it seems to be influenced more by public opinion than by academia…  Again your response to this  statement, maybe more based on opinion (or emotional response) than on empirical data. ButContinue reading “The Future of Education”

Paper Writing vs. Bloging

I’ve been having a case of writer’s block all day…  That is to say, I’ve already written 3 posts on my blogs and started planning a new project for my boyfriend and I to work on this summer.  So, I’ll admit I’m a bit of a multitasker but who isn’t these days. So now, instead of actually getting downContinue reading “Paper Writing vs. Bloging”

What is the Place of Emotion in Humanistic Empiricism?

Recently, someone close to me drew the connection between the demand for the removal of emotion from scholarship and the continued presence of underlying masculine bias in academia. I was taken aback by the implications of this connection and my blindness to it.  In reading Ruth Behar’s The Vulnerable Observer and “Believing in Anthropology asContinue reading “What is the Place of Emotion in Humanistic Empiricism?”